January – March 2023
Project „Consultation of the Georgian Rescue service“ regarding UNOPS project “Support to Advancing Technical Capacities for Ensuring Human Security”
Within the framework of the UNOPS project, in cooperation with the UK company RAN (Resilience Advisors Network), conducting an assessment mission in the Georgian Rescue Service and preparing an interim report. Janek Laev from our company participated in the assessment mission. The evaluation report concerns the overall analysis of the incident registration system, from answering an emergency call to the execution of rescue operations, as well as data analysis and statistics of rescue events. The evaluation report points out the strengths and weaknesses of the various systems in use and makes suggestions for further possible development leap and possible stages of the development project.
December 2022
Project „Estonia’s experience carrying out 112 reforms“
Under the auspices of the OECE, an overview of how the 112 reform was carried out in Estonia was prepared for the Ministry of Justice of Armenia. The review described the pre-reform situation, the reform activities in 2010-2015 and the main lessons that must be taken into account when carrying out a similar reform. Since there is a desire to carry out important changes in the field of internal security in Armenia, the success story of one EU member state in the preparation and implementation of a similar change was requested.
March-May 2021
Project “Management of the Health Board’s Covid-19 call center”
From March to the end of May, we managed and organized the work of the Health Board’s covid-19 call center in the Northern region, where about 60 people were active. The main activities were:
- organizing the work of the staff in cooperation with the personnel experts of the Health Board and the Ministry of Social Affairs;
- participation in the development of the covid-19 questionnaire in cooperation with the Health Board and the innovation team of the State Chancellery;
- providing expert input for the development of codes of conduct;
- dealing with technical solutions of the call center;
- providing expert assessment of existing technical solutions and making development proposals;
- analyzing the sustainability and work processes of the call center operations and making development proposals;
- increasing the crisis reserve.
Project „Consultations on the Implementation of Crisis Hotline in Ukraine“
On November 2, 2020, the representatives of the Ukrainian side signed a memorandum of goodwill to implement the project. Ukraine was represented at the signing by Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleg Nemchinov, Director of the Contact Center of the Government of Ukraine Olga Holomeeva and Deputy Elena Antonenko, Adviser to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Andriy Kakusha and Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Sumik. Among the Estonian experts, Jaanika Merilo was present at the signing in Ukraine and Janek Laev virtually participated in the meeting.
The crisis information line (crisis line) is intended, as a national information channel, for informing the population in crisis situations and collecting information from the population. The creation and implementation of such a tool enables quick and direct communication between the state and the population. Adequate and relevant information helps people to cope better with the crisis, reduces the damage caused by crisis situations and increases the country’s credibility.
„The project is funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds for development and humanitarian aid“.
Project “Examination and preliminary analysis of the work organization and information exchange processes of the dispatching service of Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS”
In cooperation with TLT, we are looking for solutions on how to reorganize the work of various subdivisions of the Traffic Management Department. One of the goals is to create a vision of a modern, innovative communication centre that creates value for the smooth delivery of public transport and ordering services within the organization and for the best service to the Customers, service subscribers and partners outside the organization. The main aim is to describe the prerequisites for setting up a communication centre and a general action plan on how to move towards the goal.
Project „Consultations on the Implementation of Crisis Hotline in Ukraine“
The project aims to provide consultations to the Ukranian Crisis Hotline working group and related authorities on the development of a single national crisis hotline to increase the capacity of the Ukrainian authorities to deal more effectively with crises. Joint and pre-agreed work arrangements between authorities to process and share crisis information will increase public awareness of the dangers of crises, knowledge of safe behaviour and contributes to finding faster solutions and reducing damage. The crisis hotline will be one of the essential communication channels between the authorities and the population during the periods of the COVID-19 pandemic, its aftermath, and possible future crises.
IntelcomEst experts have previous good experience in developing the functionality of the crisis phone by participating in the creation of the corresponding crisis phone models in Estonia and Sweden.
„The project is funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds for development and humanitarian aid“
Julia Husieva, Deputy Minister of the Minister of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Valeria Ionan, Deputy Minister of Minister of Digital Transformation, visited Estonia. The aim of our company was to present the creation story of the 112 in Estonia and to show that the created system works as planned. As the visitors were in Estonia for only one day, the aim was to create an opportunity for exchange of contacts between the Deputy Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to hear the main challenges of the Ministry for the coming years and, of course, to get an overview of 112 services. We managed to visit all the key institutions involved in the operation of the 112 service (Estonian Academy of Security Sciences and IT development Centre of Ministry of Internal Affairs) and, of course, the Emergency Response Centre, where the guests were given an excellent overview of the operation of 112. The guests were pleased and we hope that we also blew the wind to the Ukrainian 112 development project!
Project „Engaging volunteer firefighters to Rescure Center work in Dnepr“
22.10 – 25.10.2019. Estonian experts visited Dnipo and became acquainted with various institutions that can contribute to the implementation of the project. The project was introduced at the Municipal Development Center in Dnipro. We had workshop where we discussed how to develop the volunteer system in Taromskoje region and what kind of model we wish to develop in Ukraine. Heads of municipalities from different regions and rescue experts from Dnipro were present. The biggest news was that the volunteer system could be built up through operating grants that did not include the payment of salaries to volunteers. The experts also got acquainted with the professional rescue team and the rescue school, where professional rescuers are being trained. Opportunities for the further development and expansion of information and communication systems to the region of Dnepropetrovsk were discussed with the head of the information and communication technology company МонТекС.
The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and e-Governance Academy Foundation entertained during 27.09 – 6.10.2019 high-level delegation from the Senate of Kenya. The aim was to introduce the development of the Estonian e-state and the best practices from the viewpoint of the state and the citizen. Our company had a great opportunity to introduce the members of the delegation the 112 solutions and development story of the Emergency Response Center. Aim was to encourage them to set up similar systems in Kenya which allows people easier access to government services and quicker help in situations of emergency. Members of the delegation were very interested about our 112 solution and our long-term experience.
Project „Engaging volunteer firefighters to Rescure Center work in Dnepr“
One of the most important reforms in Ukraine is the reform of Ministry of Interior Affairs (MIA) and its policy domain. Since 2016 there has been a plan to engage the volunteer rescue workers in the work of Rescue Services in case of emergencies. MIA and Dnipropetrovsk region Rescue services are very interested in piloting the solution in Dnipro oblast.
In the beginning of the August 2019 we are with our partners from Praxis and Estonian Rescue Board carrying out the pilot project in Dnipro and we expect that our experience can provide ideas and best solutions for the region and for the Ukraine.
Project “Consultation of the 112 emergency pilot project in Ukraine”
12.08 – 15.08 our pilot project partners from Ukraine visited Estonia. This time there were people from Dnepropetrovsk Fire Department, Police, Ambulance service and the Rector of Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The schedule of the visit was tight. We visited the Rescue Board, Emergency Response Center, Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn City Municipal Police Department and Tallinn Emergency Medical Service. We arranged a meeting for the Rector with a representative from the psychology field at Tallinn University. Our common goal in this project is to support the establishment of 112 centers in the Dnepropetrovsk region and to support the development of the training system for 112 operators at the Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
09.04.2019 Guest from Interior Ministry of Northern Macedonia visited Estonia
April 9, 2019 the representatives of companies Intelcomest and Trustcorp introduced and visited with guests form Northern Macedonia the Estonian Emergency Response Center (PSAP) and Information Technology and Development Center of Interior Ministry.
Northern Macedonia is involved in modernizing the Alarm Centre’s technological base. The experience of Estonia in the comprehensive development of the Emergency Response Centre services gives an ideas on how to develop vitally important services for people in the future and to increase organizational and technological capabilities.
9.04.2019 – 12.04.2019 an annual conference of European Emergency Number Association was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Over 60 countries with a total of 900 participants were represented at the conference. The most important topics of this year were:
Introducing new technology, including the potential use of drones and artificial intelligence for saving lives in the future;
Developing quality systems for 112 services;
Preparation and training systems to ensure effectiveness and professionalism of call-takers and dispatchers.
Informing the general public about major accidents and hazards.
The conference is organized once a year. The conference is the only kind in Europe.
9.11.2018 Project “Consultation of the 112 emergency pilot project in Ukraine”
In August 2018, in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the sociology-economic research center Praxis, we launched a development co-operation project “Consultation of the 112 emergency pilot project in Ukraine”.
We are consulting the creation of integrated communication centers in Dnepropetrovsk region. The action model of the Emergency Response Center (PSAP) in Ukraine will be hopefully similar as Estonian model but every country choose his own acting model. Our part is to offer our knowledge about innovative, future-oriented and country-specific solutions for Emergency Response Centers (PSAPs).